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My Journey Into The World Of Sustainable Shopping

My Journey Into The World Of Sustainable Shopping

The Summary: 

When I first started to learn about the effect that fast fashion is having on our environment, I was shocked. I had not really taken into consideration that my individual buying habits had a roll-on effect that would one day take a toll on the world that I am bringing up my daughter, Olive, in.

These thoughts and realisations have been overwhelming for me at times but through my work at After Eight I have realised that there are small steps that I can take to ease the impact to the environment. And I love that I can do it through a means that I connect to: fashion.

The Sustainability:

Fact: In Australia 6000kgs of textile waste is put into land fill every 10 minutes.

Fact: The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in world, behind the oil industry. This information definitely made me think “but, how can my small part make a difference?”

Fact: If each one of us makes, even the tiniest, change to the way we shop, it will make a BIG difference overall. Imagine this: buy once, buy well rather than buying a blazer every year we buy one great quality one that stands the test of time.

I want to help you on your sustainable fashion journey with some ideas, tips and the perfect pieces to buy to start building your forever wardrobe.

The Styling:

I have been guilty in the past of buying something in five different colours because I loved it at the time. Only to have them fall apart or become not “fashionable” anymore.

This is where investing is timeless designs rather than ‘on trend’ pieces has been a game changer for me.

Below are my first investment pieces that I have built up over time and that now form my core wardrobe. Pieces that will last the test of time, are stunning to wear, and can be worn to work, the weekend and even for a night out with girlfriends.


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